Warning - Falling Rocks at Front Entrance |
(Updated 3/28/09) On March 10, 2009 a sign warning of the potential hazard of Falling Rocks was placed on the north side of the entrance hill. This came about because on February 9, 2009 one of our Board members noticed that some large rocks had fallen from near the top of the rock ledge on the north side of the front entrance hill near the front entrance pillar on the north side. The rocks were quickly removed from the roadway to the side and will be removed from the site. The freeze/thaw cycle of recent very variable weather conditions is likely the cause. PLEASE AVOID THAT AREA; FALLING ROCKS COULD BE HAZARDOUS. (See Photos)
February 9, 2009 |
New Sign - March 10, 2009 |
Public vs. Private Ownership of Riverwoods Streets |
(Updated 3/25/09) A letter and survey questionaire was sent to all 229 unit owners on January 10, 2009 regarding the opinions of the community on the subject. A response was initially requested by February 15, 2009; while a majority of homeowners (125 owners = 55%) responded as requested a second letter was sent to all non-respondents to better assure that the views of all owners would be reflected in the survey results. The second mailing did result in more responses (new total of 162 owners = 71%).
The final results of the survey were 91 votes (56%) of "I do support" moving to the next step in the process of meeting with the Borough officials and 71 (44%) votes of "I do not support" doing that. This final proportion of votes was not substantively different than that of the respondents to the original mailing.
As indicated in the survey letter, final approval of any negotiation would require a 2/3 majority (66.7%) of owner votes; since there were only 56% of responding owners in favor of moving on to the next step the Board has decided to not pursue the matter any further.
A copy of the letter & survey form is linked below.
Water Runoff & Ice Formation on the Rear Hill |
On August 31, 2009 we received an email in response to our March 8, 2008 email & photos that stated, "The New Hope Public Works Department has corrected this drainage problem. The final work was completed a few weeks ago." |
The issue of locating the source of the water runoff, evaluating the roadway drainage design and solving this potentially dangerous problem has been passed on to the Borough of New Hope for help and/or resolution. We are aware that not much progress has yet been made. The photo at the right was sent to the Borough Manager on March 8, 2008.
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Tree & ShrubTrimming Completed |
Tree Trinning on Common Property: As many of you have noticed, during the almost 10 years of our community's existence tree and bush growth from the wooded areas abutting the common property have gradually intruded further & further into the common property. Besides looking unsightly, many of the low hanging branches and underbrush made it more and more difficult for the grass trimming to be done efficiently or well. Recently therefore the growth intruding on the common property was trimmed back. We should be able to see the improvement better when spring arrives - which is not that far away!
Tree & Shrub Trimming on Private Property: Safe sidewalk passage was the concern that drove Board Members to walk every sidewalk in the Fall to assess the presence of potentially hazardous trees or shrubs that intruded onto the sidewalks. Affected owners were asked by letter to trim their greenery; most acted quickly. A certified arborist was engaged to trim the remaining eye hazards and sightline blocking trees & shrubs. We appreciate the cooperation of the vast majority that acted on their own to avoid injury to our sidewalk travelers.